Service Level Agreement

There are several tasks (called tickets) undertaken by the marketing and communications team which you can only log via Mojo HelpDesk – email or other format requests can no longer be accommodated.

Before you log a ticket please look at the FAQ section to see if your request is already accommodated there.

It is vital that you understand how each ticket task operates so that our service level agreement can be fully understood.


(i) Receipt of Tasks: we endeavour to acknowledge all requests and respond within 3 working days of receipt.

(ii) Marketing Tasks are triaged by the Marketing Team. Where the task is not in the marketing remit, or if there is a capacity issue, we hope to notify you within 3 – 5 working days

(iii) No marketing task will be accommodated which has not been logged via the Marketing Mojo Helpdesk.

Social Media

  • Not all suggestions for social media posts can be accommodated as Marketing and Communications need to balance output for all areas of the school; by school, by area, by subject, by topic. 
  • The social media output of the school is planned two to four weeks in advance. 
  • Within 3-5 working days you will get a response from the marketing team which could include a request for further content or information.   
  • Please ensure any photographs or video provided do not include those students who have signed non-permission agreements.
  • Where your content is not used for social media please be aware that it may be planned into our Courier output.


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Content Planner
  • Courier Planner

News and PR

  • Press Releases are dealt with on a two to four week planning cycle but may take longer depending on content or relevant timeline. 
  • You will hear from us within two working days either seeking more information, or to confirm whether your story may be uploaded to the website, turned into a Press Release or released on social media instead. 
  • The more information you provide the easier it is for us to release your news. 
  • Please ensure any photographs or video provided do not include those students who have signed non-permission agreements.
  • Where your content is not used for News or PR please be aware that it may be planned into our Courier output


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Content Planner

Website Changes

  • Website changes fall into two categories: Legislative/Policy and Non-Legislative/Non-Policy
  • Clearly if your website change request is legislative/policy related, we will deal with this as immediately as possible: Under normal circumstances this would be no later than 2 working days from receiving the Mojo Ticket, however this depends on you helping us by giving us the exact webpage on which the change is requested, and all new wording/documentation. 
  • Please mark urgent legislative policy changes as urgent; we do aim to upload these within 48 hours of receiving them
  • For all other website changes or uploads we seek to respond to your request within 3-5 working days and provide you with information as to when your request may go live; our aim is that this will be between 7 &14 working days. 
  • Some website changes are not controlled internally; where website changes are the responsibility of our external agency we will notify you within 3 –5 working days.


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Website Changes Log
  • Squarebird Tracker

Merchandise & Merchandise Deliveries

  • Before you request merchandise or school brochures, please read ‘Goody/Visitor Bag Contents 2023-2024’ in the FAQ section. This contains information on merchandise available during 2023-2024. 
  • If merchandise requested is in stock please allow 7 working days for its collation. Delivery to your office will then be subject to porter availability which is outside of marketing control. 
  •  If you are requesting filled goody/visitor bags these do take time to produce so if these are to be made up in the marketing office we need a minimum of 14 working days’ notice. 
  • In addition, we need to consider the weather as much of our merchandise is stored out of the office and cannot be brought to our office in rain, snow or hail.
  • Please do not keep large stocks of merchandise in your offices as this means that the limited merchandise budget may run out for some areas of the school, whilst others have more than they need.
  • You will be notified when goody bags are ready for collection. Marketing cannot deliver full goody bags to different areas of the school.


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Merchandise Tracker

Photography and Video Requests

  • Within 3-5 working days you will receive a response to your photography or video request.
  • Dependent upon the complexity of your photography or video request, the task may need to be progressed to the marketing director who will then get back to you with a response. 
  • Please be aware that if we need to use the services of an external photographer to accommodate your need this will be charged to your departments budget code.
  • Any ‘equipment only’ request that we have accepted will be subject to other areas of the school returning equipment promptly.


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Equipment Tracker

Design & Print

  • Design Tasks are usually, but not always, accommodated by our internal team and timelines are dependent upon capacity
  • It may seem obvious but the longer the lead time given the easier it is for marketing to complete the task for you within your timescale. 
  • All design tasks require you to proof the artwork produced so please ensure you allow for this within your lead time
  • Very few print requests are dealt with internally and your final product will be dependent upon supplier lead times. We will keep you in touch with progress on your print requests. 
  • Please allow 14 working days (M-Th) to produce first artwork for your task; however this depends upon you providing all information necessary and would be dependent upon our current capacity. 
  • Should we be experiencing capacity issues due to high demand the marketing director will notify you. 
  • We aim to get back to you between 3 and 5 working days of your original ticket to request any further information we may need to produce your artwork
  • Please note that all standard printing tasks should be sent direct to ‘’ unless you are asking us to proof documentation for branding purposes.


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Trello Analysis

Courier Content

  • The Courier is a monthly publication that goes out to our parents and families, sharing highlights from daily school life, news releases, and events.
  • Content is required by the Tuesday prior to the publication the date. 
  • The Marketing team will triage all content submissions, to ensure a good breadth of information and stories in the publication.
  • Please note, content isn’t guaranteed to be included, but may be more suited for release via other channels. Content submitted after the deadline date cannot be included.


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Courier Planner

Any other Request including Promotional Campaigns

  • We will respond to your request within 3 – 5 working days


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis

Marketing Projects

  • All Marketing Project requests are triaged and decided by the Marketing Director. 
  • ‘Project’; examples could include – event promotion campaigns, promotional video projects or large capital design projects.
  • Please note any ‘project’ request form will go straight to the MD. 
  • We suggest you notify/discuss with the Director your request for a Project [particularly those requiring budget and significant capacity/resource] AT LEAST ONE ACADEMIC TERM ahead of your project deadline. 
  • ‘Project’ action plans may straddle more than one academic term or year


  • Response Time

KPI Tool

  • Mojo Analysis
  • Project Plan